Tuesday 19 July 2016

Heavyweight champion -Mike_Tyson ,George_Foreman , and Joe_Frazier

Posted by Anonymous
Nazmul Hasan Majumder's photo.

Mike, Ex Heavyweight champion, born on 1966 in USA . He is counted as best boxer of all time . In his boxer career , he won 50 matches from 58 matches and won 44 knockout matches . his hands expedition was the fear for others . Many controversial is in his ring life and his life . In 1997 , he went out jail for Hoy field

Ex heavyweight champion , born on 1949 in Texas, USA . his nick name is " big George ", In , 1967 , he started the journey of his professional boxing play . He won thirteen matches in a row and showed the whole world of his talent . In 1971, his win-lose record was 32-0 . WBA and WBC , declared him as no. 1 player . He fought with Frazier, and became the world champion . He retired in 1977 for his sickness and now he is the minister of charge .

Frazier, one of the best of all time heavyweight champion in history . In 1975 , he first fought with famous Muhammad Ali , which was the most famous fighting historically , he also well known as Thriller in Manila . He won 32 matches from 37 matches .
Now he is the member of International Boxing hall Of Fame


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