Thursday 21 July 2016


Posted by Anonymous

The crow is a common bird in our country. Both city and village area we can easily find them. All time it creates noise like “kaaa kaaa, kaaa kaaaa”. Sometime it’s noise is boring. Many people say that it is a dirty bird, but it helps us different ways. All the time it tries to eat our waste of food and make our environment clean. It has a few bad habits, but it is also a helpful bird.

The Crow looks black but it is not only black. Its chest is black, but the whole body is mostly black with a black and white barring on the belly. It is not a small bird. It is approximately 40 centimeters with his tails.

All the time it builds a typical stick nest and lays 3–5 eggs at a time. They build several nests in a same tree. They love to live in together.


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